Sunday, February 26, 2012

December Progress

Well so much has happen since I last updated the blog. During December, Billy continued to rest and sleep a lot, but gradually would stay up for longer periods of time. He slowly gained more endurance and strength and was able to handle more stimuli than before. He began to do some walking like the doctor wanted, but it was harder than he thought it was going to be. He is very strong and determined so he worked hard and by Christmas Day he was able to go to church for the first time since this all happend and sit on the stand. It was a wonderful day.

Thanks to all of our wonderful friends and family we had a wonderful Christmas. Thank you to all of you who dropped off goodies, cards, presents and food at our door and most of all for your prayers. This Christmas was extra special because we felt so blessed to have Billy here with us and that he was making so much progress. I believe that Billy's life was spared because he still has many things left here on earth to do and I'm so thankful our family has been given that gift.

In some ways this whole experience has been a blessing. Once you are faced with such a major life changing event, you view life differently and want to really live each day like it was your last. Life is so precious and can change so quickly. Remember to tell those important to you how much you love them EVERYDAY!!

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