Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Well today was a much better day. Billy rested pretty good and woke up feeling much better than he usually does. He ate his breakfast and was talking quite a bit and believe it or not it made sense and he seemed to remember everything we were talking about. They were trying to stay on top of his pain medication because once you get behind on the pain medication it's really hard to get the pain back under control. After a nap occupational therapy came in and had Billy get up and sit in his special chair. He sat there for a while and visited with his brother and his wife. Then they decided he could walk to the shower with the occupational and physical therapist who helped him take a shower. This is his first shower since the rupture so he felt like a new man even though he still couldn't wash his hair. He has to wait 24 hours after the staples are removed before he can get his incision wet. When he got back from the shower they took all of his 38 staples out, removed his catheter (hip hip hooray!!!) and took his ART line out of his arm. He now only has two IV's and the leads on his chest to monitor his heart rate. He feels so much better with all of that stuff out of him. After all of this excitement he was exhausted and took another nap. When he woke up his head was hurting a little more than it had during the day, but nothing compared to last night. As of now the night seems to be going well, but it is only 9:00pm. I don't want to sound negative, but I get nervous to be too excited. Overall today was a great day and he made a ton of progress. Hopefully the night will remain low key and I won't have too much to tell you in the morning.

Thanks again to everyone who is praying for us and helping us in so many ways! We are truly blessed.


  1. Billy,
    Glad you had a great day yesterday, we are thinking about you.
    Austin Bideaux
    We could definitely use your smile and quick remarks around the office, it is truly missed.
    Hey LaRose's,
    So good to hear yesterday was a positive day at a time, right. You guys are survivors and I admire your strength through this whole process. Thinking about you all the time and hope things continue to go well for your family. Take care, Steph Bideaux:)

  2. It's Ok to be excited for the good days, it will carry you through the rough days.
    We love you and your family and are praying for your comfort and strength and for a steady recovery. Slow and steady wins the race!!

  3. Praying Lindsey! Thanks for these posts...... Ihad those spinal migraines and a blood patch after my labor and I will NEVER wish those on anyone - stay strong my friend.
